E Safety

In Saint Eithne's we understand our responsibility to educate pupils, staff, parents and carers in E-Safety. We aim to teach children appropriate behaviours and critical thinking to enable them to remain safe when using the internet and related technologies, in and out the of the classroom.
We encourage all parents and carers to become involved in e-Safety discussions and activities with their child. Parent and carers can promote E Safety at home by:
- Keeping the computer in a communal area of the home.
- Being aware that children have access to the internet on their mobile phone.
- Monitoring on-line time and be aware of excessive hours spent on the Internet.
- Taking an interest in what children are doing. Discuss with the children what they are seeing and using on the Internet.
- Advising children to use the Internet in a sensible and responsible manner. Know the SMART tips.
- Discussing the fact that there are websites which are unsuitable.
- Discussing how children should respond to unsuitable materials or requests.
- Reminding children never to give out personal information online.
- Reminding children that people on line may not be who they say they are.
- Being vigilant. Ensure that children do not arrange to meet someone they meet on line.
- Being aware that children may be using the Internet in places other than in their own home or at school.
- Being aware that the minimum age for social media apps eg Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram is 13, this is in compliance with the US Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.