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St. Eithne's Primary School, Derry

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors has overall responsibility for the effective management of the school.  It is composed of nominees of trustees, the Western Education and Library Board and the Department of Education, a parent and a teacher elected by the teachers.  The members hold office for four years.

Nominated By the Trustees

Mr D. Gill (Chairman)

Rev. J. Gormley

Mrs. J. Hasson

Mrs. D. Deery

Mr G. Badini Confalonieri


Nominated By the Department Of Education

Mrs. C. Rogan


Nominated By The Education Authority

Mrs. D. Christy

Mr. J. Ryan Brolly


Parents’ Representative

Mr. D. Gill


Teachers’ Representative

Mr. S. Conaghan (Vice Principal)


Mr. T. Mc Dowell (Principal)


The Governors as a group work together in partnership with the Principal and the staff to ensure the provision of good education for our children.  They have particular responsibilities in relation to the curriculum, the financial management of the school, the appointment of staff, admissions to the school, discipline, building and maintenance, the parents’ annual meeting and community links.