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St. Eithne's Primary School, Derry


2023/2024 School Year

26th Mar 2024
Our Primary 2 children taking part in our copper trail today to help raise some money...
26th Mar 2024
We had great fun putting out our coppers this morning. Thank you to everyone who...
26th Mar 2024
Today the boys and girls in Primary 7 completed our annual Copper Trail for Trocaire....
26th Mar 2024
Children in Primary 4 had fun putting out the coins they had collected for Trocaire...
22nd Mar 2024
To bring our Paired reading program to a close Mr Conaghan’s class joined our...
22nd Mar 2024
To bring our Paired reading program to a close Mrs Millers class joined our boys...
14th Mar 2024
P4s enjoyed seeing their grandparents in our classes today and performing a special...
14th Mar 2024
We had a wonderful morning with our grandparent’s today. They loved to see...
14th Mar 2024
Grandparents day is one of our favourite days of the year!Mrs Spence’s class...
14th Mar 2024
Thank you to our wonderful grandparents who came to visit us today. We loved having...