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St. Eithne's Primary School, Derry

Primary 5

Welcome to Primary 5. 

The Primary 5 teachers are Mrs Porter and Mr Kerr.

We are delighted to welcome back all our boys and girls back to school.  We look forward to beginning a new school year and are excited to be back in the classroom with all of our wonderful pupils. 

As a Primary 5 pupil, you are now in Key Stage 2 and will be embarking on a new stage in your learning.  You will have the opportunity to develop new skills and a more independent approach to your learning.

As  KS2 pupil, you may notice a slight increase in the level of homework set each evening.

The tasks each day include:

  1. Reading – your child will be set a number of pages per evening. Please sign this daily. Depending on the level and volume of pages, please hear your child read at least a few pages aloud (the remainder can read silently) and ask some simple questions to ensure they understand what they have read.
  2. Spellings – Your child will be set a number of spellings each week. Please encourage your child to learn their spellings every night using the “look, say, cover, write and check”
  3. Mathletics – Each child will be set a weekly target of points to achieve. If you have difficulty gaining access online, feel free to email Mrs Porter or Mr Kerr in confidence and we will endeavour to make time in class for your child to achieve their target in school.
  4. Mental Maths Workout / Literacy Workout – These are short 10/15 revision questions to complete daily. They revise key concepts daily and should take no longer than 5 minutes each.
  5. Literacy/Numeracy/RE activity – Your child will have one additional written activity each evening. This will be linked to what is being taught in class and will give you a good insight to how your child is progressing in Primary 5.

You will be continuing to work hard on Mathletics and Accelerated Reading and we look forward to setting you challenges and rewarding your achievements.

We look forward to welcoming you all and are excited about the year ahead!





18th Feb 2025
The children of Mr. Kerr's P5 class took part in a discussion about Internet Safety...
23rd Jan 2025
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